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Managing Roles, Accounts, Users and Domains

Roles, Accounts, Users, and Domains


A role represents a set of allowed functions. All CloudStack accounts have a role attached to them that enforce access rules on them to be allowed or disallowed to make an API request. Typically there are four default roles: root admin, resource admin, domain admin and user.














资源属于帐户,而不是帐户中的单个用户。例如,账单、资源限制等由帐户维护,而不是用户维护。用户有权限操作任何在帐户中提供的资源。权限有角色决定。根管理员通过使用assignVirtualMachine API可以将任何虚拟机的所有权从一个帐户调整到另一个帐户。域或子域管理员可以对域中的VMs做同样的操作,包括子域。

Using Dynamic Roles

In addition to the four default roles, the dynamic role-based API checker feature allows CloudStack root admins to create new roles with customized permissions. The allow/deny rules can be configured dynamically during runtime without restarting the management server(s).

For backward compatiblity, all roles resolve to one of the four role types: admin, resource admin, domain admin and user. A new role can be created using the roles tab in the UI and specifying a name, a role type and optionally a description.

Role specific rules can be configured through the rules tab on role specific details page. A rule is either an API name or a wildcard string that are one of allow or deny permission and optionally a description.

When a user makes an API request, the backend checks the requested API against configured rules (in the order the rules were configured) for the caller user-account’s role. It will iterate through the rules and would allow the API request if the API matches an allow rule, else if it matches a deny rule it would deny the request. Next, if the request API fails to match any of the configured rules it would allow if the requested API’s default authorized annotaions allow that user role type and finally deny the user API request if it fails to be explicitly allowed/denied by the role permission rules or the default API authorize annotations. Note: to avoid root admin being locked out of the system, all root admin accounts are allowed all APIs.

The dynamic-roles feature is enabled by default only for all new CloudStack installations since version 4.9.x.

In 4.11.x and above, existing deployment without any commands.properties file will be automatically migrated to dynamic roles. Admins may also enable dynamic roles by setting the global setting ‘dynamic.apichecker.enabled’ to true.

After an upgrade, admins can also use this migration tool to migrate old rules from commands.properties file(s): /usr/share/cloudstack-common/scripts/util/migrate-dynamicroles.py.

During migration, this tool enables the global setting in the database and copies existing static role-based rules from provided commands.properties file (typically at /etc/cloudstack/management/commands.properties) to the database and renames the commands.properties file (typically to /etc/cloudstack/management/commands.properties.deprecated). The migration process does not require restarting the management server(s).

Usage: migrate-dynamicroles.py [options] [-h for help]


-b DB The name of the database, default: cloud
-u USER User name a MySQL user with privileges on cloud database, default: cloud
-p PASSWORD Password of a MySQL user with privileges on cloud database
-H HOST Host or IP of the MySQL server
-P PORT Host or IP of the MySQL server, default: 3306
-f FILE The commands.properties file, default: /etc/cloudstack/management/commands.properties
-D Use the default role-rule permissions, and only enable dynamic roles
-d Dry run and debug operations this tool will perform


sudo python /usr/share/cloudstack-common/scripts/util/migrate-dynamicroles.py -u cloud -p cloud -h localhost -p 3006 -f /etc/cloudstack/management/commands.properties

sudo python /usr/share/cloudstack-common/scripts/util/migrate-dynamicroles.py -u cloud -p cloud -h localhost -p 3006 -D

If you’ve multiple management servers, remove or rename the commands.properties file on the management servers typically in /etc/cloudstack/management path, after running the migration tool for the first management server.




  • 明确的专用。根管理员在初始部署和配置期间给一个帐户或者域分配了一个区域、机架、群集或者主机。
  • 严格的潜在专用:一个主机禁止通过多个账号共享。例如,严格私自共享对于部署的某些应用是有用处的,像没有软件授权主机不能在不同账号间进行桌面共享。
  • 优先的潜在专用。如果可以的话,VM会被部署在专用的基础架构中。否则,VM可被部署在共享基础架构中。



对于明确的专用一个已存在的区域、机架、群集或者主机:使用根管理员登录,在UI中找到资源,然后点击Dedicate按钮。button to dedicate a zone, pod,cluster, or host



要使用明确专用主机,在关联组 (参阅 “关联组”)中选择explicit-dedicated 类型。比如,当创建新VM的时候,终端用户可以选择将其运行在专用基础架构上。如果一些基础架构已经被分配给专用的用户帐号或域,那么这个操作才能成功。







You can use an external LDAP server such as Microsoft Active Directory or ApacheDS to authenticate CloudStack end-users. CloudStack will search the external LDAP directory tree starting at a specified base directory and gets user info such as first name, last name, email and username.

To authenticate, username and password entered by the user are used. Cloudstack does a search for a user with the given username. If it exists, it does a bind request with DN and password.

To set up LDAP authentication in CloudStack, call the CloudStack API command addLdapConfiguration and provide Hostname or IP address and listening port of the LDAP server. You could configure multiple servers as well. These are expected to be replicas. If one fails, the next one is used.

The following global configurations should also be configured (the default values are for openldap)

  • ldap.basedn: Sets the basedn for LDAP. Ex: OU=APAC,DC=company,DC=com
  • ldap.bind.principal, ldap.bind.password: DN and password for a user who can list all the users in the above basedn. Ex: CN=Administrator, OU=APAC, DC=company, DC=com
  • ldap.user.object: object type of users within LDAP. Defaults value is user for AD and inetorgperson for openldap.
  • ldap.email.attribute: email attribute within ldap for a user. Default value for AD and openldap is mail.
  • ldap.firstname.attribute: firstname attribute within ldap for a user. Default value for AD and openldap is givenname.
  • ldap.lastname.attribute: lastname attribute within ldap for a user. Default value for AD and openldap is sn.
  • ldap.username.attribute: username attribute for a user within LDAP. Default value is SAMAccountName for AD and uid for openldap.

Restricting LDAP users to a group:

  • ldap.search.group.principle: this is optional and if set only users from this group are listed.


If the LDAP server requires SSL, you need to enable the below configurations. Before enabling SSL for LDAP, you need to get the certificate which the LDAP server is using and add it to a trusted keystore. You will need to know the path to the keystore and the password.

  • ldap.truststore : truststore path
  • ldap.truststore.password : truststore password

LDAP groups:

  • ldap.group.object: object type of groups within LDAP. Default value is group for AD and groupOfUniqueNames for openldap.
  • ldap.group.user.uniquemember: attribute for uniquemembers within a group. Default value is member for AD and uniquemember for openldap.

Once configured, on Add Account page, you will see an “Add LDAP Account” button which opens a dialog and the selected users can be imported.


You could also use api commands: listLdapUsers, ldapCreateAccount and importLdapUsers.

Once LDAP is enabled, the users will not be allowed to changed password directly in cloudstack.

Using a SAML 2.0 Identity Provider for User Authentication

You can use a SAML 2.0 Identity Provider with CloudStack for user authentication. This will require enabling the SAML 2.0 service provider plugin in CloudStack. To do that first, enable the SAML plugin by setting saml2.enabled to true and restart management server.

Starting 4.5.2, the SAML plugin uses an authorization workflow where users should be authorized by an admin using authorizeSamlSso API before those users can use Single Sign On against a specific IDP. This can be done by ticking the enable SAML Single Sign On checkbox and selecting a IDP when adding or importing users. For existing users, admin can go to the user’s page and click on configure SAML SSO option to enable/disable SSO for a user and select a Identity Provider. A user can be authorized to authenticate against only one IDP.

The CloudStack service provider metadata is accessible using the getSPMetadata API command, or from the URL http://acs-server:8080/client/api?command=getSPMetadata where acs-server is the domain name or IP address of the management server. The IDP administrator can get the SP metadata from CloudStack and add it to their IDP server.

To start a SAML 2.0 Single Sign-On authentication, on the login page users need to select the Identity Provider or Institution/Department they can authenticate with and click on Login button. This action call the samlsso API command which will redirect the user to the Identity Provider’s login page. Upon successful authentication, the IdP will redirect the user to CloudStack. In case a user has multiple user accounts with the same username (across domains) for the same authorized IDP, that user would need to specify domainpath after selecting their IDP server from the dropdown list. By default, users don’t need to specify any domain path. After a user is successfully authenticated by an IDP server, the SAML authentication plugin finds user accounts whose username match the username attribute value returned by the SAML authentication response; it fails only when it finds that there are multiple user accounts with the same user name for the specific IDP otherwise the unique useraccount is allowed to proceed and the user is logged into their account.


  • The plugin uses a user attribute returned by the IDP server in the SAML response to find and map the authorized user in CloudStack. The default attribute is uid.
  • The SAML authentication plugin supports HTTP-Redirect and HTTP-Post bindings.
  • Tested with Shibboleth 2.4, SSOCircle, Microsoft ADFS, OneLogin, Feide OpenIDP, PingIdentity.

The following global configuration should be configured:

  • saml2.enabled: Indicates whether SAML SSO plugin is enabled or not true. Default is false
  • saml2.sp.id: SAML2 Service Provider Identifier string
  • saml2.idp.metadata.url: SAML2 Identity Provider Metadata XML Url or Filename. If a URL is not provided, it will look for a file in the config directory /etc/cloudstack/management
  • saml2.default.idpid: The default IdP entity ID to use only in case of multiple IdPs
  • saml2.sigalg: The algorithm to use to when signing a SAML request. Default is SHA1, allowed algorithms: SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512.
  • saml2.redirect.url: The CloudStack UI url the SSO should redirected to when successful. Default is http://localhost:8080/client
  • saml2.sp.org.name: SAML2 Service Provider Organization Name
  • saml2.sp.org.url: SAML2 Service Provider Organization URL
  • saml2.sp.contact.email: SAML2 Service Provider Contact Email Address
  • saml2.sp.contact.person: SAML2 Service Provider Contact Person Name
  • saml2.sp.slo.url: SAML2 CloudStack Service Provider Single Log Out URL
  • saml2.sp.sso.url: SAML2 CloudStack Service Provider Single Sign On URL
  • saml2.user.attribute: Attribute name to be looked for in SAML response that will contain the username. Default is uid
  • saml2.timeout: SAML2 IDP Metadata refresh interval in seconds, minimum value is set to 300. Default is 1800