

For the current documentation site goto: http://docs.cloudstack.apache.org

General Upgrade Notes

Java version upgraded to Java 1.8

As of Apache CloudStack 4.10, Java version required is 1.8 for the management-server, cloudstack-usage, KVM agent and system-VMs.

Java 8 JRE on Ubuntu

CloudStack requires installation of Java 8 JRE from an external PPA such as openjdk-r for Ubuntu distributions where the openjdk-8 packages are not available from the main repositories such as on Ubuntu 14.04. The PPA can be added before installation/upgrade:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
$ sudo apt-get update

Users can also choose to install Java 8 distribution from Oracle, or Xulu-8 OpenJDK distribution from Azul.

Migrating to dynamic roles feature

As of Apache CloudStack 4.9, dynamic roles feature can be enabled after an upgrade. Dyanamic roles feature is enabled by default on new installations.

Please read more about using dynamic roles feature and process of migrating to using this after an upgrade.

Agent and KVM Host Security

Starting 4.11, a new CA framework has been introduced that is used to secure agent and management server connections. Starting 4.11.1, KVM hosts in UP state that are not secured (i.e. the KVM host agent and libvirtd don't have CA framework provisioned X509 certificates) will show up as 'Unsecure'. A new button in the UI is available as well as an API to secure and onboard such hosts.

Please read more about host security and process of migrating existing KVM hosts and agents to use the new security feature.

OVS plug-in

OVS plug-in functionality is disrupted if ovsdaemon crashes

A critical functionality issue came out with CLOUDSTACK-6779. On XenServer it is observed that on VIF unplug Ovs-Vswitchd is crashing resulting in loosing all the openflow rules added to the bridge. Ovs daemon gets started and creates a bridge but configure openflow rules are lost resulting in the disruption of connectivity for the VM's on the host.

Active-Directory Authentication (LDAP)

If using Active-Directory (LDAP/LDAPs) as user authentication; Upgrading to 4.3 and later require changes in Global Settings. After upgrading CloudStack to 4.3 or latest, following Global Settings must be change:

Global Settings Default New
ldap.user.object inetOrgPerson user
ldap.username.attribute uid sAMAccountName

SystemVM 32bit deprecated

32bit versions of systemvm templates are in the process of behing deprecated. Upgrade instructions from this Release Notes use 64bit templates.

Explicit JDBC driver declaration

While upgrading, on some environments the following may be required to be added in CloudStack's db.properties file:

# Add these to your db.properties file



Other Notes

If you are experiencing CloudStack UI issues, please consider upgrading your tomcat instance to version 6.0.43 (tested version, but earlier versions prior to 6.0.37 might work as well), to address the tomcat response issues caused by latency between the browser/client and CloudStack Management server.