Usage Guide
This guide is aimed at Administrators of a CloudStack based Cloud
User Interface
Managing Accounts, Users and Domains
- Roles, Accounts, Users, and Domains
- Using Dynamic Roles
- Dedicating Resources to Accounts and Domains
- How to Dedicate a Zone, Cluster, Pod, or Host to an Account or Domain
- Using an LDAP Server for User Authentication
- Using a SAML 2.0 Identity Provider for User Authentication
- Using OAuth2 Authentication For Users
- Using Two Factor Authentication For Users
- Password Recovery for Users (Forgot Password)
Using Projects to Organize User Resources
Service Offerings
Setting up Networking for Users
- Overview of Setting Up Networking for Users
- About Virtual Networks
- Network Service Providers
- Network Offerings
- Configuring AutoScale with the CloudStack Virtual Router
Working with Instances
- About Working with Instances
- Instance Lifecycle
- Managing Instances
- Scheduling operations on an Instance
- Changing the Instance Name, OS, or Group
- Appending a Name to the Guest Instance’s Internal Name
- Instance delete protection
- Changing the Service Offering for an Instance
- Resetting the Instance Root Volume on Reboot
- Moving Instances Between Hosts (Manual Live Migration)
- Moving Instance’s Volumes Between Storage Pools (offline volume Migration)
- Assigning Instances to Hosts
- Changing an Instance’s Base Image
- Advanced Instance Settings
- Instance Snapshots
- Support for Virtual Appliances
- Importing and Unmanaging Instances
- About Import Export Instances
- Manage or Unmanage Instances on Managed Hosts
- Importing Unmanaged Instances
- Listing unmanaged Instances
- Importing Unmanaged Instances
- Discovery of Existing Networks (for vSphere)
- Unmanaging Instances
- Import Instances from External Hosts
- Import Instances from Local/Shared Storage
- Importing Virtual Machines From VMware into KVM
- Instance Backups (Backup and Recovery Feature)
- Using SSH Keys for Authentication
- Assigning GPU/vGPU to Guest Instances
- Instance Metrics
Working with Templates & ISOs
- Working With Templates
- Creating Templates: Overview
- Requirements for Templates
- Best Practices for Templates
- The Default Template
- Private and Public Templates
- Creating a Template from an Existing Instance
- Creating a Template from a Snapshot
- Uploading Templates from a remote HTTP server
- Bypassing Secondary Storage For KVM Templates
- Uploading Templates and ISOs from a local computer
- Sharing Templates and ISOs with other Accounts/projects
- Exporting Templates
- Creating a Linux Template
- System preparation for Linux
- Creating a Windows Template
- Importing Amazon Machine Images
- Converting a Hyper-V Instance to a Template
- Adding Password Management to Your Templates
- Deleting Templates
- Working with ISOs
Working with Clusters
Working with Hosts
- Adding Hosts
- Scheduled Maintenance and Maintenance Mode for Hosts
- Disabling and Enabling Zones, Pods, and Clusters
- Removing Hosts
- Re-Installing Hosts
- Maintaining Hypervisors on Hosts
- Hypervisor Capabilities
- Changing Host Password
- Over-Provisioning and Service Offering Limits
- VLAN Provisioning
- Out-of-band Management
- Security
- Server Address Usage
- Securing Process
- KVM Libvirt Hook Script Include
- KVM Rolling Maintenance
- KVM Auto Enable/Disable Hosts
Working with Storage
- Storage Overview
- Primary Storage
- Best Practices for Primary Storage
- Runtime Behavior of Primary Storage
- Hypervisor Support for Primary Storage
- Using Multiple Local Storages (KVM only)
- Changing the Scope of the Primary Storage
- Storage Tags
- Maintenance Mode for Primary Storage
- Browsing files on a primary storage
- Setting NFS Mount Options on the Storage Pool
- Secondary Storage
- Working With Volumes
- Creating a New Volume
- Uploading an Existing Volume to an Instance
- Attaching a Volume
- Detaching and Moving Volumes
- Instance Storage Migration
- Finding Primary Storage for Migration
- Resizing Volumes
- Root Volume size defined via Service Offering
- Change disk offering for volume
- Reset Instance to New Root Disk on Reboot
- Volume delete protection
- Volume Deletion and Garbage Collection
- Volume Metrics
- Check and repair Volume
- Importing and Unmanaging Volumes from Storage Pools
- Working with Volume Snapshots
- Object Storage
- Shared FileSystems
Working with System VMs
- The System VM Template
- Changing the Default System VM Template
- Accessing System VMs
- Multiple System VM Support for VMware
- Console Proxy
- Creating an Instance Console Endpoint
- Using a SSL Certificate for the Console Proxy
- Changing the Console Proxy SSL Certificate and Domains
- Uploading ROOT CA and Intermediate CA
- Load-balancing Console Proxies / Secondary Storage VMs
- SSL-Offloading with Load-balancing for Console Proxies / Secondary Storage VMs
- Virtual Router
- Secondary Storage VM
- Migrating System VMs
- Troubleshoot networks from System VMs
Working with Usage
Managing VM and Volume Allocation
Managing Networks and Traffic
- Guest Traffic
- Networking in a Pod
- Networking in a Zone
- Basic Zone Physical Network Configuration
- Advanced Zone Physical Network Configuration
- Editing, Restarting, and Removing a Guest Network
- Using Multiple Guest Networks
- Dynamic and Static Routing
- About Network Mode
- About Routing mode
- Manage IPv4 Subnets for Zone
- Manage IPv4 Subnets for Guest Networks
- Create Network and VPC Offering with ROUTED mode
- Create Network with Static Routing for IPv4
- Create Network with Static Routing for IPv6
- Manage IPv4 Routing Firewall
- Manage AS number for Dynamic Routing
- Manage BPG peers for Dynamic Routing
- Create Network with Dynamic Routing
- Create VPC with Dynamic Routing
- CloudStack Kubernetes Service support on ROUTED networks and VPCs
- Guest Network Permissions
- IP Reservation in Isolated Guest Networks
- Reserving Public IP Addresses and VLANs for Accounts
- Configuring Multiple IP Addresses on a Single NIC
- About Multiple IP Ranges
- About Elastic IPs
- Portable IPs
- Multiple Subnets in Shared Network
- Isolation in Advanced Zone Using Private VLANs
- Security Groups
- External Firewalls and Load Balancers
- Global Server Load Balancing Support
- Guest IP Ranges
- Acquiring a New IP Address
- Releasing an IP Address
- Reserving a Public IP Address
- Releasing a Reserved Public IP Address
- Static NAT
- IP Forwarding and Firewalling
- IP Load Balancing
- DNS and DHCP
- Remote Access VPN
- About Inter-VLAN Routing (nTier Apps)
- Configuring a Virtual Private Cloud
- About Virtual Private Clouds
- Adding a Virtual Private Cloud
- Adding Network Tiers
- Configuring Network Access Control List
- Adding a Private Gateway to a VPC
- Deploying Instances to the Tier
- Deploying Instances to VPC Tier and Shared Networks
- Acquiring a New IP Address for a VPC
- Releasing an IP Address Allotted to a VPC
- Enabling or Disabling Static NAT on a VPC
- Adding Load Balancing Rules on a VPC
- Adding a Port Forwarding Rule on a VPC
- Removing Tiers
- Editing, Restarting, and Removing a Virtual Private Cloud
- Persistent Networks
- Setup a Palo Alto Networks Firewall
- Using Remote Access VPN
- VNF Templates and Appliances
Managing the Cloud
- Using Tags to Organize Resources in the Cloud
- Using Comments on the Resources in the Cloud
- Reporting CPU Sockets
- Changing the Database Configuration
- Changing the Database Password
- File encryption type
- Administrator Alerts
- Customizing the Network Domain Name
- Managing log files
- Stopping and Restarting the Management Server
- Management Server Statistics and Peers
System Reliability and Availability
Events and Troubleshooting
- Event Notification
- TroubleShooting
- Working with Server Logs
- Data Loss on Exported Primary Storage
- Recovering a Lost Virtual Router
- Maintenance mode not working on vCenter
- Unable to deploy Instances from uploaded vSphere Template
- Unable to power on Instance on VMware
- Load balancer rules fail after changing network offering
- Troubleshooting Internet Traffic